Time Doesn’t Heal, Action Does

This interactive workshop is a safe place to examine what you’ve been taught about loss, to explore your beliefs about grief, and will guide you in completing a set of actions that will enable you to move forward in your life with hope. Once equipped with these tools, you will be able to work through other losses that you may have experienced in your past.

How can bereavement or any loss affect a child?

On average, most children will encounter 15 significant losses before they reach adulthood. The most common losses for children and teenagers include:

Grief is emotional, not logical.

The grief that comes with any emotional loss can be overwhelming and also very isolating.

Often people find that those they normally count on for emotional support are at a total loss when it comes to offering effective and meaningful assistance. They will often give you logical reasons why you should not feel bad, but that rarely helps.

Grief is emotional and not logical! You are suffering from a broken heart, not a broken head! The fact that you are seeking help in dealing with that emotional pain is not a sign of weakness, but rather a recognition on your part that you are interested in taking recovery action.

Some grievers wish to take action in the shortest amount of time possible.

This desire amongst some grievers is why we offer 2½ Day Personal Workshops.

This approach to utilising The Grief Recovery Method is designed to take you through all of the necessary recovery actions without delay and the need to read the weekly assignments spelled out in “The Grief Recovery Handbook – 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition.”

Don’t wait any longer with a broken heart

Here’s what our Grief Recovery Method 2½ Day Personal Workshops has to offer:
  • These 2½ Day Personal Workshops are now available online and face to face (at our Perth location) throughout the year. Unless there is one being held in your community, travel, and overnight stays will be required.

  • This approach allows you to work with an Advanced Grief Recovery Method (GRM) Specialist, certified and trained by The Grief Recovery Institute, in the intensive 2-day group setting.

  • Only a very few, highly experienced and skilled Grief Recovery Method Specialists are selected to be specifically trained to offer 2½ Day Personal Workshops.

  • Each daily session will generally begin at 8:30 am and go until 5:30 pm. There will be a group luncheon break, as well as periodic breaks as part of that daily schedule.

  • Your Advanced GRM Specialist will take you through each step of the Grief Recovery Method, thereby helping you to take effective action to deal with your specific personal loss.

  • While you may come into this program with a specific loss in mind, your specialist will lead you through the process of looking at all of the emotional losses that have touched you throughout your life so that you can be focused on the one that has impacted you to the greatest degree.

  • Even though you are working in a group setting, your personal focus will be on dealing with the issues of your specific loss.

  • These groups include a commitment to total honesty and absolute confidentiality so that you can comfortably share your feelings.

  • The Grief Recovery Method is a scientifically tested, evidence-based program that provides grievers with a tried and true method that has been continuously refined and used time and time again over the last 40+ years, across multiple countries, and in multiple languages, to help them heal from loss(es).

Without action, there can be no change.

Book a call or contact us to find out when our next workshop will be starting.

Take Action To Heal From Grief

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Lift The Weight Of Grief

Nobody should have to live with the permanent pain of grief and loss.

Learn the Grief Recovery Method today.

PO Box 226, Victoria Park, WA 6979 Australia




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Help with Grief



Debunking The Stages Of Grief

Guide to Pet Loss

Myths About Grief

Postpartum Grief


Grief Recovery

Helping Children with Loss

Pet Loss

Personal Workshop

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